What Heide wishes this pic looked like...
Basis for pwning(s): CGWBT, stupidity.
Grounds: Linked pic (and others here) substantiate CGWBT status. For stupidity, see below.
How Xo Added Value: First pwning originated at Xoxo; Heide googlepwn3d.
Aftermath: Heide hires Reputation Defender to nuke evidence of original pwnag3. Smart. Heide then grants an interview to ABC News, and talks about her experience. Stupid! Xoxoers quickly out the name and identifying details of "the student who asked that her name and identifying details be withheld." Guano hits fan as word spreads, and rebellious Xoers post threads to foil her plan. This guarantees a two-fold googlepwning: one of her, and one of her rep's "Defender." Possible personal pwnage follows posting of her email addy. Evidence emerges that this CWGBT's Ts might be F!
Basis for pwnage: plagiarism
Grounds: If you don't know Kaavya's back-story, then you're to be pitied. Or maybe not.
How Xo Added Value: It would have been impossible to add publicity to Kaavya's very public pwnage. Yet Xo took the pwnage to the third tier: by making it personal. While the thread for it has (curses!) vanished, Xoers posted her cell-phone number, and left messages on her voice-mail. Xoxo also plundered her Facebook page, photoshop-pwned her, then (after posting her e-addy) emailed her the links.
Aftermath: When someone is pwned this publically, personal pwnings are bound to follow (e.g., here). Continued scrutity of this "fake writer" (h/t) has led to some more or less amusing pwnlettes.
Grounds: Skanky is forgetting about a condom lodged inside you until it slides out while you're sitting on the 'loo...24 hours later. Stupid is blogging about it for all the world, including prospective employers, to read. (Unless "employment" means writing for Hustler for the rest of your life, 'natch.)
How Xoxo Added Value: Peppered her blog with choice comments.
Aftermath: After Xoxoers posted their "180 comments" on her 25 January blog, the self-described "sex-blogger" removed the page. Updates continue sporadically.
Basis for pwning: Pretended Prestige (Pr3Pr3).
Grounds: tried to claim that his TTT background (Carleton)was of comparable prestige to a Caltech Rhodes Scholar. Later tried to blame episode on psychotic somnambulism and "schtick." Neither alibi has been credited.
How Xoxo Added Value: Kept threads going, thus guaranteeing googl3pwnag3.
Aftermath: Pensive still posts at xoxo. TITCR (always). Still trying to cobble together an online version of his card game, Ambition.
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