Saturday, March 3, 2007

A Pwnag3 Manif3sto...

The purposes serves are legion. Its members provide the 411 on skirting TTTs. They commiserate with those gripped in the ennui of fulfilling "billable hours" quotas. Xoxoers are generous with advice, on matters great and sundry and tawdry.

But Xo's most conspicuous export is pwnage.

To be sure, the adjective "pwn3d," like the amorphous "right to privacy," has the structural integrity of an amoeba. For that reason, some clarification of the concept, as it applies to Xo, is well in order.

Who gets pwn3d? In no particular order, Xo pwns: pretenders to prestige, plagiarists, skanks, CGWBTs, CAGWBTs, idiots, and Xo Enemies. These items, clearly, are not mutually exclusive. Neither is the list exhaustive; as with the Ninth Amendment, our brief enumeration doesn't entail that there might not be other "reasonable grounds" bases for pwnage.

How does Xoxo facilitate pwnage? Sometimes a pwning is original to Xo. Sometimes Xo's role is parasitic on a pwnage already in progress. In either case, Xoers seek to add value.

Talk of "adding value" presupposes a calculus for pwnage extent. Quantification of pwnage is notoriously difficult; the class of all pwnings is probably not, mathematically, a well-ordered set: some pairs pwnings might be incommensurable. Nonetheless, here is a nest of three classes, which explain two main ways in which Xo creates, or ramps up, pwnings:

1) private pwnage: Any embarrassing event whose occurrence is only known to the pwn33 and/or the pwn33's acquaintances.

2) public pwnage: Any embarrassing event whose occurrence is known to (a suitably large number of) non-acquaintances.

These first two categories are easy to illustrate. If Janet Jackson had had her "wardrobe malfunction" while lip-syncing at a gathering of her closest friends, it would have been private. But its occurrence in a stadium of thousands of viewers (and millions at home) made it public.

For reasons which will become clear in the Gallery, below, a third category deserves consideration:

3) personal pwnage: An embarrassing event wherein a person's past public pwning is thrown in the pwn33's face (either IRL or online).

Example: Suppose Britney Spears were to walk into a Victoria's Secret, and peruse nether-region garments. A private citizen walks up to her and remarks, "Funny, I didn't know you wore underwear." The citizen in question has enacted a personal pwnage: s/he has made use of a well-known public pwning to embarrass Spears F2F.

In general, we will employ the following gradation of pwnage:

personals best publics best privates
Inter alia, Xoxo adds value to a pwning by: a) taking a private pwning public; b) making a public pwning more public (e.g., via outing or googlepwning); c) making a public pwning personal (e.g., by making available otherwise unknown contact information of a publically pwned invididual).

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